How Ogabassey Helped a Small Business Owner in Lagos Expand His Operations

The Importance of Access to Technology for Small Businesses

Small businesses are the backbone of many economies around the world. In Nigeria, small businesses account for a significant portion of the country’s GDP and provide employment opportunities for millions of people. However, small business owners often need help with their growth and success. One of these challenges is access to technology. With the right tools and resources, small businesses may be able to compete in today’s digital age using ogabassey’s payment plan for small business owners.

Ogabassey’s Commitment to Driving Social and Economic Progress through Digital Inclusion

Ogabassey is an e-commerce company committed to driving social and economic progress through digital inclusion. The company’s mission is not just about selling smartphones, laptops, and other digital devices but also about empowering people and businesses to leverage technology to grow and thrive.

How Ogabassey’s Payment Plans Helped a Small Business Owner in Lagos

Mr Ojo is a small business owner in Lagos. He runs a retail store that sells clothing and accessories. Mr Ojo had been struggling to expand his operations due to a need for a smartphone to create content for social media. He also needed laptops and other digital devices to manage his inventory, track sales, and communicate with customers. However, the cost of these devices was prohibitive, and he couldn’t afford to pay for them all at once.

That’s when Mr Ojo discovered Ogabassey’s payment plans. He could purchase the needed devices and spread the payments over 3 to 6 months with zero collateral. And Mr Ojo was able to grow his business and increase his revenue.

The Benefits of Ogabassey’s Payment Plans for Small Business Owners

Ogabassey’s payment plans offer numerous benefits for small business owners like Mr Ojo:

  1. The plans make it easier for small business owners to access the technology they need to grow their businesses.
  2. The plans allow small business owners to spread the cost of the devices over several months, making it more affordable and manageable.
  3. The plans do not require collateral, meaning small business owners can access financing without risking their assets.


In conclusion, Ogabassey’s commitment to driving social and economic progress through digital inclusion is making a real difference in the lives of small business owners in Lagos and across Nigeria. By offering payment plans that make it easier for small business owners to access technology, Ogabassey is empowering entrepreneurs and helping to create a more prosperous and inclusive economy. If you are a small business owner needing technology to grow your business, consider exploring Ogabassey’s payment plans today.